Just Ghoul With It
New episode every other week
Curious about the podcast origin story? Nikki and Kate started a simulwatch chat for scary movies sometime in quarantine (no one can say when, time is fake) and realized they actually had a lot more to say about horror and society.
Nikki is an artist who loves all things horror. Her art has always been inspired by film, especially horror films. While working as a projectionist she worked during an annual horror film festival. She got to watch horror films from all around the world, and got paid to do it! She may not be a projectionist at the moment, but that hasn’t stopped her from watching as many scary movies as she can. Don’t let her projectionist background fool you though. She is a lover of truly horrible, garbage films. The cheesier the better.
Favorite horror movie: The Shining (Despite Stanley Kubrick being an asshole)

Kate is, and has always been, very nerdy. She’ll play almost any TTRPG she can find, has a yearly reading goal of 50 books, and could talk for hours about composting (this is a warning). She also happens to appreciate horror movies and contextual analysis. Even though she’s a ridiculously jumpy person, she doesn’t let that stop her from enjoying scary movies. At the end of the day, she’s a green-haired heathen trying to live her best swamp witch life while talking about the reciprocal nature of culture and the horror genre.
Favorite horror movie: The Descent